Vice Chancellor

प्रो. भरत मिश्रा

Prof. Bharat Mishra

मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम श्रीराम की तपोस्थली, मंदाकिनी नदी के सुरम्य तट पर स्थापित महात्मा गाँधी चित्रकूट ग्रामोदय विश्वविद्यालय भारतरत्न नानाजी देशमुख...


“ MGCGV Provides me great opportunity to work with cooperative world i am placed in MNC i am so happy….


MGCGV is an awesome University. Its campus is a delight to see. The opportunities that this University provides actually deserves an eulogy….


“It gives me a complete satisfaction to be a part of an MGCGV which is an incredible blend of…


“I am very thankful to MGCGV for giving us this wonderful opportunity, and thereby having a great hand behind…


Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya